Divine Mercy Prayer Group - Service Ministry
Service Ministry
Divine Mercy Prayer Group

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"Whatsoever you do to the least of my bretheren, you do unto me..."

The Service Ministry helps set up the hall in preparation for the Wednesday prayer meetings. It is also involved in clearing out the area once the prayer meeting is finshed.

Administrative and Secretarial duties involves updating membership list and phoning people on short notice messages.

In all the world there is no one like me! No one has my smile, no one has my eyes, nose, hair or voice.

No one laughs like me or cries like me, nor sees things just as I do. No one reacts just as I would react.

I am the only one in all creation, who has my set of abilities, my unique combination of GIFTS, TALENTS & ABILITIES. I am an original!

I am rare, and in all rarity there is GREAT VALUE. I need not imitate others. Not only should I accept my differences, I should celebrate them!

God made me different for a very good reason. He has a job for me that no one else can do quite as well as I, because.....


Divine Mercy Prayer Group, St. Joseph's Church, Streetsville, Ontario, Canada