Divine Mercy Prayer Group - Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Heavenly Father, Jesus our Saviour, Holy Sprit out Consoler, we love you, we praise you, and we worship you ( three times ).
Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah ( This is repeated after each decade ).
I Decade

Leader:(1) Abba Father, purify us in the Holy Blood of Jesus
Congregation:And fill us with your Holy Spirit.
Leader:(2) Abba Father, purify Our Soul in the Holy Blood of Jesus
Congregation:And fill Our Soul with your Holy Spirit.

Heavenly .....
III Decade

          Civil Servants
          Armed Forces
          Police Force
          Mass Media

Heavenly .....
IV Decade

          Sick and Suffering
          Bedridden ones
          Hospitalized ones
          Those with incurable diseases
          Those who are in acute pain
          Those with contagious diseases
          Healthcare system
          Healthcare workers

Heavenly .....
II Decade

            Brothers and Sisters
            Departed Souls
            Spiritual Fathers
            Lay Ministers

Heavenly .....
V Decade

          The Holy Father
          All the Bishops
          Priests and Religious
          Formation Houses
          Pious associations
          Retreat and prayer centers
          Prayer Groups
          Christian churches
          Other Religious

Heavenly .....
You may add as many decades with different intentions as needed.

Compiled by Rev. Fr. Mathew Elavumkal V.C, Director Tabor Ashram Kalyan, Mumbai India.
Phone 91-251-2280-605, Email: tabor@vsnl.com
Imprimatur: Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Elavanal, Bishop of Kalyan, Mumbai, India

Divine Mercy Prayer Group, St. Joseph's Church, Streetsville, Ontario, Canada